Steam Deck Recovery Instructions/steam deck恢复系统教程

2022-03-13 来源:安卓模拟社区 作者:佚名


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这些是恢复、修复或重新映像您的 Steam 卡组的说明。如果您无法启动、安装了其他操作系统并希望返回标准 Deck SteamOS 或遇到其他重大问题,您可能需要执行此操作。

对于所有的修补程序,请注意这个系统映像还不是 SteamOS 3。根据您尝试将其安装到的设备(台式机、另一台手持设备、冰箱、烤面包机),它可能无法正常工作。SteamOS 3 正式版将在启动后的某个时间发布(即使那样它也可能无法在您的烤面包机上运行)。


  1. 在此处下载恢复映像(单击)
  2. 准备一个带有恢复映像的 USB 密钥(至少 8GB):

    • 视窗
      我们建议使用Rufus 实用程序选择恢复文件并将其写入您的 USB 驱动器(这将格式化您的 USB 驱动器的内容)。完成后,选择“关闭”并弹出驱动器。
    • Linux
      您可以使用Balena Etcher将恢复文件写入您的 USB 驱动器 - 或者如果您愿意,您可以直接从命令行执行此操作:
      bzcat steamdeck-recovery-1.img.bz2 | dd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/sdX oflag=sync status=progress bs=128M
      (将 /dev/sdX 设置为您插入的 USB 设备)
  3. 使用 USB-C 适配器或集线器插入启动盘。
  4. 如果您的 Steam 平台尚未关闭,请将其关闭。按住“降低音量”并单击电源按钮 - 当您听到铃声时,松开降低音量按钮,您将被引导至启动管理器。
  5. 在启动管理器中,从“EFI USB 设备”(您的 USB 密钥)启动
  6. 启动时屏幕会变暗 - 稍等片刻。
  7. 启动后,您将进入桌面环境,您可以使用触控板和触发器进行导航。




  • 重新映像 Steam 甲板
    - 这将执行完全恢复出厂设置 - 所有用户信息、已安装的游戏、应用程序或操作系统都将被擦除并替换为现有的 SteamOS。
  • 清除本地用户数据
    - 这会重新格式化您 Steam 平台上的主分区,这将删除下载的游戏和存储在此平台上的所有个人内容,包括系统配置。
  • 重新安装 Steam 操作系统
    - 这将在 Steam 平台上重新安装 SteamOS,同时尝试保留您的游戏和个人内容。
  • 恢复工具
    - 这会打开一个提示,可以更改 Steam 平台启动分区。+++++++===
  • ++++++++++++++++++++Steam Deck Recovery Instructions
    These are instructions to recover, repair, or re-image your Steam Deck. You might need to do this if you are unable to boot, have installed another OS and would like to get back to standard Deck SteamOS, or are experiencing other breaking issues.

    For all the tinkerers out there, please note that this system image is not quite SteamOS 3 yet. Depending on what you try to install it on (desktop, another handheld, refrigerator, toaster), it may not work properly. SteamOS 3 proper will come out sometime after launch (and even then it may not work on your toaster).

    Steam Deck Recovery Instructions
    1. Download the recovery image here (click).
    2. Prepare a USB key (8GB minimum) with the recovery image:

      • On 
        we recommend using the Rufus utility. Select the recovery file and write it to your USB drive (this will format the contents of your USB drive). When it's done, select 'Close' and eject the drive.
      • On 
        you can use Balena Etcher to write the recovery file to your USB drive - or if you prefer you can do this directly from the command line:
        bzcat steamdeck-recovery-1.img.bz2 | dd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/sdX oflag=sync status=progress bs=128M
        (set /dev/sdX to the USB device you inserted)
    3. Use a USB-C adapter or hub to plug the boot disk in.
    4. Shut down your Steam Deck if it isn't already off. Hold 'Volume Down' and click the Power Button - when you hear the chime, let go of the Volume Down button, and you'll be booted into the Boot Manager.
    5. In the Boot Manager, boot from the 'EFI USB Device' (your USB key)
    6. The screen will go dark while it's booting - give it a minute.
    7. Once booted you will be in a desktop environment, you can navigate using the trackpad and trigger.

    Recovery options
    In the recovery environment, there are four different options to choose from.
    • Re-image Steam Deck
       - This performs a full factory reset - all user info, installed games, applications, or operating systems will be wiped and replaced with stock SteamOS.
    • Clear local user data
       - This reformats the home partitions on your Steam Deck, which will remove downloaded games and all personal content stored on this Deck, including system configuration.
    • Reinstall Steam OS
       - This will reinstall SteamOS on the Steam Deck, while attempting to preserve your games and personal content.
    • Recovery tools
       - This opens a prompt with the ability to make changes to the Steam Deck boot partition.






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